
This article is one of several concerning the importance of Mental Health and Christianity, researched and written by Mrs. Andrina Jordan (MA, LPC, NCC, CPCS). For more information about her practice, visit 712 Q.A.C.C. Counseling For The Soul, LLC.

We often read about incense and sweet-smelling perfumes in the Bible. Many times incense was used to make an offering to God. Other times incense, spices, and oils like frankincense and myrrh were used to make perfumes.

 But Aaron and his sons offered upon the altar of the burnt offering, and on the altar of incense, and were appointed for all the work of the place most holy, and to make an atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.” –1 Chronicles 6: 49, KJV

1 Chronicles 6:49 is an example of how the Levitical priesthood used incense and what they used it for. In this particular scripture, they are making an offering to God for the atonement of the people. In the bible, the burning of incense is also associated with prayer. The priests and the nation of Israel would pray to God as the incense was being burned.  We even see this in the last book of the bible (Revelation) that in the end days, an angel will present an offering of incense to God with the prayers of the saints.

“And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand.” – Revelation 8: 3-4, KJV

Here incense is used as a way to promote spiritual well-being. This in turn improves mental well-being. It was also sold as a commodity in the bible. People not only used it with prayer and offerings but also for sweet aromas.

 “and make an incense blended as by the perfumer, seasoned with salt, pure and holy.” – Exodus 30: 35, KJV

In addition to incense, oils were also used for fragrance. Most often in the bible, we see oils being used for anointing, food, and light but they too, like incense, were made into perfumes.

“ . . . How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!” – Song of Solomon 4: 10, KJV

So what do incense and oils have to do with mental wellness? Simply put, “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, . . . “ – Proverbs 27: 9, KJV

It is the concept of using the sense of smell to activate physical and mental improvement of the body. This is known as aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is an alternative to traditional medicine or as complementary to traditional therapy treatments.

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy for many purposes in different ways. Using an oil diffuser is a common way of releasing the scent into the air to activate the olfactory system. As the bible says, not only does perfume make the heart glad but certain scents may have a positive impact on one’s mental wellbeing. The listed scents have been known to aid with the following.

  • Lavender & Chamomile: Stress, anxiety, sleep; calming the mind and body
  • Lemon & Orange: Fatigue, depression, mental clarity, alertness
  • Eucalyptus & Peppermint: Brain fog, focus, attention
  • Rosemary: Memory
  • Grapefruit: Energy

While incense and essential oils are known and studied uses in aromatherapy they are not the only way to activate the olfactory system and improve mental well-being. There are many scents all around us every day. Something as simple as the smell of fresh linen.  Do you have a positive association when you smell fresh linen? Does it improve your mood? What feelings do you experience? Do you have positive memories? Have fun with this awesome sense of smell that God has given us. Explore what scents make you feel happy, calm, energetic, centered or at peace. Begin incorporating more of these scents in your day-to-day. After all, the bible says that “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, . . . “ – Proverbs 27: 9, KJV.

So why not enjoy the benefits?

*NOTE: Please use incense and essential oils with caution as they may pose some risks with certain medical conditions. Please consult with your medical provider to see if aromatherapy is a good fit for you.